Nov. 24, 2017
The Hospital de Loulé and its Urology Unit supports Movember, a movement created to raise awareness and help the population for male diseases, in particular prostate cancer.
The Movember is a movement created to raise awarness the population about the health problems that affect the masculine gender. Of these diseases prostate and testicular cancer can be highlighted, with prostate cancer being the second most common male cancer in the world and the number of cases is expected to double to 1.7 million by 2030.
This gender inequality has received little national, regional or global recognition by the general population and, health professionals, in particular. This is exactly why the Movember movement was created, which focuses on male health.
So, in the month of November (Movember), throughout the world, men are proposed to let the mustache grow and proudly show it, in order to conscencializar the population for male health problems, their causes and treatments.
Join the movement and show your mustache!